It started with a “Hey.” Since it was on Bumble, after we matched Liz had to be the first one to send a message. She asked about Kevin’s favorite Indian restaurants in the city. Despite her clear lack of pick up line wit, we started chatting and decided to meet for a drink on October 23rd 2018. Liz was in River North and Kevin was in Logan Square, so we met in the middle at a cute little Bucktown cocktail bar, the Charleston. Small talk turned into a few hours of chatting about life, travel, and mutual complaints about work. A second date was in order. Then a third. For the fourth date, Kevin impressed Liz with an invite to the Nutcracker Ballet which turned into a romantic night and fueled our budding interest in each other. Things were going great when the pandemic hit and we decided it didn’t make sense to quarantine alone. Thinking it would be a “few weeks to flatten the curve,” Liz rolled over to Kevin’s with a suitcase, not realizing she was basically forever abandoning her dream apartment downtown. Locked in Kevin’s basement apartment with just each other and Liz’s pet fish, we grew more in love with the quality time spent together. Enough to formally move in together a year later. We found an apartment we both loved, which just so happened to be one street away from the bar we first met at two and a half years prior. Since the night we met, we visited the Charleston again on the annual anniversary of that fateful night (minus the year they were closed for covid) to celebrate. On year four, a sunny and warm fall Sunday, we ventured again to celebrate this tradition. Upon arriving, Kevin picked up a vase of flowers from the bar’s stoop, handed them to Liz and got down on one knee. The next chapter of our story was to begin right where the first chapter did, exactly four years prior.